Central Valley Regional – Rank 13 (Earned the Woodie Flowers Award for Alfredo)
Los Angeles Regional – Rank 40
Drive Team:
Driver: Aly “Fluffy Headed Friend”
Co-Driver: Amaris “Noodles”
Human Player: Mario “Chickimoo”
Coach: Arielle “Brownie”
Capable of driving forward, pushing the ball into the low goal
Capable of clearing baseline
Mecanum drive base
All of the mechanisms were mounted sideways, so the robot tended to strafe more than drive forward and backwards
Active ball collector
Design 1: “The Hugs” featured two arms with fly-wheels on top that would pull in the ball and “hug” them in, keeping the ball in the catapult until launch
Design 2: A more effective system after the hugs continually broke, the second design featured a bar that had a roller on it wrapped in grippy rubber. The bar would fit over the ball and pull it into the catapult to be launched
Catapult system designed to shoot into high goal
Initially planned to allow for passing the ball, resulting in additional points, the idea was ultimately scraped for focusing on scoring and defense
Featured surgical tubing to allow for power power when fired