
Thinking of becoming a volunteer mentor for Bagel Bytes Robotics at Culver City High School? That’s great, because we’re always welcoming new mentors! To sign up, you can either contact or fill out this form:

If you want more information about this position, please read this brief article:

Who are we looking for?

Our team is always open to finding adults who can help mentor and look over members of our team. Here are some skills mentors can help us with:

  • Manufacturing using power tools like drills, mills, table saws, and band saws to cut wood and metal
  • Welding metal
  • Using java for programming the robot (in FRC we use command based programming)
  • Putting together electronic components on the electronics board (in FRC we make control systems like this)
  • Program management (organizing projects, managing team)

Any one of these skills are enough to be very helpful to the team, and we are looking for mentors.

How often and where do I contribute to the team?

Our robotics team is located in Culver City High School at 4401 Elenda St, Culver City, CA 90230 in room 91. During the off-season period, our team operates after school from 3 pm to 5 pm on Mondays and Fridays, and 1 pm to 3 pm on Wednesdays. During season, which is usually from January to March, our team meets every weekday from 3 pm to 8 pm (at the latest) or starting at 1 pm on wednesdays.

Mentors are free to come any day, and it does not have to be 3 times a week. Mentors can meet as often as they need to in order to get to know who they are working with and how we operate. However, it is more important to participate during season when the robots are being built for competition.

How can I be a part of the team?

If you are interested in being a mentor to the Culver City high school robotics team members, this is a two-step process. First, we need you to come meet the team. We need you to interact with the team members, see what your expertise is and how it meshes with the team’s needs. Finding times that work with your schedule and the team’s can be a challenge, but we are committed to make it work if you want to join our team. Second, we need you to become an official volunteer with the CCUSD school district and an official mentor with FIRST robotics. We can help you through that process.

To start out, please fill out this form: